Requirements to Become a Pharmacy Technician in Montana

Based on demographic employment data available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly nine hundred full time professional pharmacy technicians are currently employed in roughly 220 hospital and retail pharmacies throughout the state of Montana. At this time, more than eleven hundred Montana residents hold licenses as pharmacy technicians from the state's Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB). Pharmacy technicians are assistants to licensed pharmacists. Their duties include, among other things, the preparation, processing and transfer of various legally controlled substances. Different U.S. states have different sets of rules and regulations regarding locally employed pharmacy technicians. The guidelines put forth by Montana's Board of Pharmacy are more stringent than they are in most other states.
Montana State Regulations for Pharmacy Technicians
Montana is one of fourteen U.S. states that requires Board certification for all of its locally employed pharmacy technicians. All candidates for certification must register with the state Pharmacy Board. Registrants must submit a completed application, along with a sixty dollar registration fee. Registration is renewable each year no later than June 30th. The yearly fee for renewal is fifty dollars. All fees associated with registration and renewal are the sole responsibility of the licensee. Board certification for Montana pharmacy technicians involves eighteen months of on-the-job training with licensed local pharmacists, and a passing grade on either the state-approved PTCB exam or the nationally accredited Exam for Certified Pharmacy Technicians (ExCPT). Either test is valid for licensing in the state of Montana. No particular training program is required by the state. The on-the-job activities of Montana pharmacy technicians are regulated primarily by the state Pharmacy Board and by federal laws. For example, federal law mandates that pharmacy technician interns and trainees are not supposed to handle controlled substances or converse with patients regarding their conditions. For another example, state law dictates that the maximum allowable ratio of licensed pharmacy technicians to pharmacists is three to one (3:1).
Montana Training Programs for Pharmacy Technicians Include:
Montana residents who are interested in local employment as licensed pharmacy technicians can sometimes acquire professional skills and certificates at accredited local colleges like University of Montana in Missoula. Others learn the skills by way of on-the-job training. At the same time, some aspiring pharmacy technicians earn Board certification online. Popular accredited online colleges with degree programs for pharmacy technicians include Milwaukee Career College, Arizona College of Allied Health, Landsdale School of Business, Fortis Institute and Carrington College, to name only a few.
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