Requirements to Become a Pharmacy Technician in Kentucky
As of June 1st, 2012, more than 6,800 pharmacy technicians occupy full time positions at more than a thousand consumer and hospital pharmacies located throughout the state of Kentucky. Pharmacy technicians are assistants to licensed pharmacists. Their responsibilities include record keeping and customer service, in addition to the processing and handling of prescription drugs. However, only about two thirds of Kentucky's pharmacy assistants are licensed by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB). Different states have different legal guidelines regarding Board certified and unlicensed pharmacy technicians. Not all states require full licensing as a prerequisite to employment as a pharmacy technician.
Kentucky State Regulations for Pharmacy Technicians
Although the State Pharmacy Board of Kentucky does not mandate licensing for pharmacy technicians, their on-the-job activities are regulated by local pharmacists working in accordance with state and federal laws. For example, only a licensed pharmacy technician may receive diagnostic orders or discuss refill authorization with patients by phone. Also, the state of Kentucky does not impose any restrictions on the ratio of pharmacy technicians to pharmacists. However, all Kentucky pharmacy technicians must register with the Pharmacy Board. Registration involves the submission of a completed application along with a registration fee of $25. Applicants must be at least sixteen years of age and, to quote the rules exactly, “of good mental health and moral character.” Registration must be renewed annually no later than March 31st of each year. No formal training is required for employment as a pharmacy technician in Kentucky. Continuing education is only required for licensed technicians wishing to maintain their Board certified status. State-approved testing is also required to preserve licensing. The Kentucky Pharmacy Board approves the PTCB test as well as the nationally accredited Exam for Certified Pharmacy Technicians (ExCPT).
Kentucky Training Programs for Pharmacy Technicians Include:
Kentucky residents who wish to pursue local employment as pharmaceutical technicians can acquire professional skills and Board-approved licensing certificates at accredited local colleges. Prominent Kentucky colleges with certificate programs for pharmacy technicians include University of Phoenix, which maintains locations in Florence and Louisville and Daymar College, featuring facilities in Albany, Bellevue, Bowling Green, Louisville, Owensboro, Paducah, Russellville and Scottsville. Also popular is ATA College in Louisville. At the same time, some aspiring Kentucky pharmacy technicians acquire skills and degrees online. Successful accredited online colleges offering courses for pharmacy technicians include Sanford Brown College, Ayers Career College, Milwaukee Career College, Harris School of Business and Remington College, to name only a few.
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