North Dakota Pharmacy Technician Training Programs

In the State of North Dakota, all pharmacy technicians must register with the North Dakota Board of Pharmacy. To be eligible to register, aspiring pharmacy technicians must fulfill certain education or training requirements. According to the official North Dakota Board of Pharmacy, the individual must have completed one of the following requirements:
a. Successful completion of an academic program approved by the board of pharmacy;
b. An on-the-job training program that is directed by the pharmacist-in-charge and approved by the board of pharmacy; or
c. Employment in a pharmacy as clerical personnel or pharmacy technician for at least one year. This provision will expire one year after the approval of this rule and will require a request in writing by a pharmacist-in-charge of a North Dakota pharmacy.
Pharmacy technician registration requirements
1. A pharmacy technician must register with the board of pharmacy on an annual basis.
2. The pharmacy technician will be assigned a registration number.
3. The board of pharmacy must provide the pharmacy technician with an annual registration card and pocket identification card.
4. The pharmacy technician certificate and annual registration card must be displayed and visible to the public in the pharmacy where the pharmacy technician is employed.
5. The pharmacy technician must wear a name badge while in the pharmacy which clearly identifies the person as a “pharmacy technician.”
6. Pharmacy technicians shall identify themselves as pharmacy technicians on all telephone conversations while on duty in the pharmacy.
7. The northland association of pharmacy technicians shall appoint annually three of their members as an advisory committee to the board of pharmacy.
8. Every registered pharmacy technician, within fifteen days after changing address or place of employment, shall notify the board of the change. The board shall make the necessary changes in the board’s records.
9. A pharmacy technician having passed the reciprocity examination of the national association of boards of pharmacy, or any other examination approved by the board, shall be granted reciprocity and shall be entitled to registration as a registered pharmacy technician in North Dakota.
10. A pharmacy technician registered by the board may use the designations "registered pharmacy technician" and "R. Ph. Tech."
Fortunately, the state of North Dakota is home to several Board approved schools that can help you meet the requirements of the state and most employers. Board approved schools are:
Colleges of pharmacy which are members of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy or maintain standards equivalent to those required for membership in that association, and have been accredited by the accreditation council for pharmacy education.
North Dakota Schools with Pharmacy Technician Training Programs:
Pharmacy Technician Programs - Major North Dakota Colleges and Universities
North Dakota State College of Science (NDSCS) – Wahpeton
North Dakota State University (NDSU) - Fargo
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